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The European Synchrotron, the ESRF, is an international research centre based in Grenoble, France.

Through its innovative engineering, pioneering scientific vision and a strong commitment from its 700 staff members, the ESRF is recognised as one of the top research facilities worldwide. Its particle accelerator produces intense X-ray beams that are used by thousands of scientists each year for experiments in diverse fields such as biology, medicine, environmental sciences, cultural heritage, materials science, and physics.

Supported by 21 countries, the ESRF is an equal opportunity employer and encourages diversity. 

The Detector & Electronics Group in the Instrumentation Services and Development Division provides development and support capabilities in the fields of X-ray detectors and control electronics required for experimental stations and the accelerator complex. Within the group, the Instrumentation Software Services team (ISS) provides internal development capabilities and supports software related services for instrumentation projects, including embedded software, development tools, and laboratory test and calibration applications.

As Real-Time Software Engineer, you will integrate the ISS team and will collaborate closely not only with members of the D&E Group but also with the Mechanical Engineering Group on various technical matters and projects, particularly those involving mechatronics aspects.

Good communication and interpersonal skills are therefore essential, as well as a solid understanding of the operation of scientific instrumentation in order to achieve a high level of autonomy.

Your missions will be the following:

- Select, modify, develop, and support a development framework for real-time (RT) applications in collaboration with mechatronics, software and electronics engineers.

- Identify specific functionalities and needs of the RT control system and contribute to the development of customized platforms.

- Develop, improve and maintain software for the RT components, using Matlab/Simulink, as well as control interfaces and data processing applications.

- Be a reference person for the use of Simulink RT in the ISDD and deploy the real-time systems and associated equipment.

- Develop and maintain mechatronics test applications to be used in a laboratory environment.

- Contribute to the development and maintenance of the software tools used in the ISS for instrumentation development projects

- Higher university degree (Master or equivalent diploma worth at least 300 ECTS) in Software engineering or related discipline

- Minimum 3 years of professional experience

- Strong skills in real-time software applications are required. In addition, the following skills and qualities are required: Experienced with instrumentation development

- Block diagram programming using Simulink RT

- Data processing using Matlab or Python 

- Knowledge in the following fields are an asset:cInterfacing of actuators and sensors to RT control platform (Speedgoat)

- Control architecture, control laws and simulation of performances

- Mechatronics, signal processing, metrology, electronic, mechanic. 

- Strong commitment to service excellence.

- Rapid comprehension of scientific requirements.

- Effective interaction with multidisciplinary staff.

- Proficiency in English (working language at the ESRF)

The salary will be calculated on the basis of relevant qualifications and professional experience.

Do you recognize yourself in this description? Apply now for your next professional adventure!

What we offer:

- Join an innovative international research institute, with a workforce from 38 different countries

- Collaborate with global experts to advance science and address societal challenges

- Come and live in a vibrant city, in the heart of the Alps, and Europe's Green Capital 2022

- Enjoy a workplace designed to support your quality of life

- Benefit from our competitive compensation and allowances package, including financial support for your relocation to Grenoble For further information on employment terms and conditions, please refer to

The ESRF is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from disabled persons.

Om tjänsten

Realtime software engineer
71 avenue des Martyrs Grenoble, Frankrike
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Om arbetsgivaren

The ESRF is an X-ray light source for Europe. It is located in Grenoble, France, and supported and shared by 20 countries.

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