Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea

Researcher in spatial dynamics of large pelagic populations in the Atlantic (M/F)

2024-10-07 (Europe/Paris)
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Dateline : 7th october 2024

The Ifremer unit, which is part of the MARBEC (MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation) joint research unit, conducts research on marine biodiversity, its uses and conservation, particularly in fisheries ecology and sustainable aquaculture. The actions of the Mediterranean Fisheries Laboratory (LHM), which is one of the components of this unit, are developed in three complementary areas: (i) population and fleet dynamics for the main fish species exploited, (ii) fisheries ecology and (iii) ecology of threatened marine species and interactions with fisheries. 

Placed within the Mediterranean Fisheries Laboratory (LHM) under the authority of its manager, he/she develops and conducts research and expertise activities in support of public policies concerning the conservation and sustainable uses of highly migratory fish species exploited, with a priority on albacore tuna in the North Atlantic. 

Main missions (purposes of the function)

This position is organized around two main missions:

  • the development of tools and knowledge for the monitoring of exploited populations of large pelagic fish and the impact of their exploitation for the sustainable management of these resources;
  • expertise in support of the DGAMPA for the monitoring of large pelagics in the North Atlantic and their management within the framework of the Common European Fisheries Policy and RFMOs.

Main activities

  • Participate, build and conduct collaborative research projects on albacore tuna and other large pelagics of importance for French fisheries in synergy with the work carried out on bluefin tuna, on questions of spatio-temporal dynamics of populations, the de-determination of functional areas, their biology, physiology and ecology and the impact of climate change in connection with their exploitation 
  • Participate in the ICCAT working group on North Atlantic albacore tuna and contribute to the monitoring of large pelagic stocks under international negotiations in North-East Atlantic and outside the jurisdiction of CICAT; technical support to the DGAMPA on these stocks
  • To evaluate the interest and opportunity to consider (research and expertise) new species of large (Mobula ray, sharks)
  • Promote the results of research and expertise; Contribute to the training and supervision of temporary staff
  • Participate in the scientific animation and collective life of the UMR MARBEC 

Relational fields 

  • Internally: 

The Marbec Joint Research Unit, "Fisheries" units in France and the West Indies/French Guiana, coordination of fisheries expertise, the Hisseo unit 

  • Externally:

International experts on RFMO commissions and working groups, especially ICCAT, and scientists specializing in tuna ecology

Profil recherché

Profile (initial training and professional experience)

  • PhD in quantitative marine ecology and/or fisheries ecology
  • Experience in stock assessment or large pelagics will be appreciated

Skills implemented

Technical skills / trades (knowledge, know-how):

  • Ecology and biology of marine organisms
  • Fisheries and stock assessment
  • Data analysis, statistical modeling
  • Comfortable in at least one programming language (e.g. R)
  • Fluent in English
  • Writing skills (articles, reports)
  • Ability to set up and coordinate projects
  • Supervisory skills (interns, doctoral students, post-doctoral students)

Personal qualities (interpersonal skills):

  • Autonomy, rigor, curiosity
  • Ability to work in a team environment
  • Ability to lead a scientific team and a taste for multidisciplinary networking
  • Interest and aptitude for work at sea

Informations utiles

  • Localisation Sète - 34, France - zone de déplacement : internationale
  • Contrat CDI
  • Salaire Non défini
  • Niveau de qualification Ingénieur/Cadre/Bac +5
  • Expérience 1 à 7 ans, + 7 ans
  • Modalités de travail Temps complet
  • Fonction Bureau d'Etudes/R&D/BTP archi/conception, Ingénierie - Chimie/Pharmacie/Bio.
  • Secteur Secteur Energie/Environnement
  • Télétravail Occasionnel

Workng conditions 

  • Permanent contract
  • Full-time
  • Plan trips to Ifremer sites and internationally to participate in working groups

Qui sommes nous ?

Ifremer 1625 route de Sainte Anne • 29280 Plouzané • France

The Institute

A pioneer in ocean science, IFREMER's cutting-edge research is grounded in sustainable development and open science. Our vision is to advance science, expertise and innovation to :
- Protect and restore the ocean
- Sustainably use marine resources to benefit society
- Create and share ocean data, information & knowledge.

With more than 1,500 personnel spread along the French coastline in more than 20 sites, the Institute explores the 3 great oceans : the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A leader in ocean science, IFREMER is managing the French Oceanographic Fleet and its dedicated scientists create ground-breaking technology to push the boundaries of ocean exploration and knowledge, from the abyss to the atmosphere-ocean interface.

Well-established in the international scientific community, our scientists, engineers and technicians are committed to advance knowledge about our planet's last unexplored frontiers. They provide the science we need for informed decision-making and public policy and they transfer this knowledge and technology to businesses to fulfill public and private needs. Core to our mission is also to strengthen public awareness about the importance of understanding the ocean and its resources, and empowering future generations of leaders through education and outreach national campaigns.

Om tjänsten

Researcher in spatial dynamics of large pelagic populations in the Atlantic (M/F)
87 Av. Jean Monnet Sète, Frankrike
Sista ansökningsdag
2024-10-07 23:59 (Europe/Paris)
2024-10-07 23:59 (CET)
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Om arbetsgivaren

Ifremer conceives and operates tools for observation, experimentation and monitoring, and manage the oceanographic databases.

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