Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

Assistant Professor (tenure-track) and Professor (tenured) positions

2024-11-28 (Europe/Vienna)
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ISTA invites for faculty applications in 

Chemistry, Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Science, Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Soft Matter Physics

We welcome applications for Assistant Professor (tenure-track) and Professor (tenured) positions in the following areas:


Computer Sciencecandidates from CS systems are especially encouraged to apply.

Data Science with a focus on candidates in statistics and bioinformatics. 

Earth Science in all areas with the exception of solid earth.


Experimental Soft Matter Physics broadly defined, including biological physics.

We welcome applicants for Assistant Professor (tenure-track) positions who want to start their first independent research group in 

Life SciencesA special area of interest is neuroscience.

Interdisciplinary candidates bridging between areas are particularly encouraged to apply.

Assistant professors start with independent group leader positions for six years, progressing to tenured positions after a positive evaluation by international peers.

Tenured positions welcome distinguished scientists with proven leadership in research. 

At ISTA, we promote a diverse and inclusive working environment and are committed to the principle of equal employment opportunities for all applicants, free of discrimination. We strongly encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to apply.

The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) is an interdisciplinary research institution that combines basic science research with graduate education in theoretical and experimental research in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Information and System Sciences. ISTA ( invites applications for Assistant Professor (tenure-track) and Professor (tenured) positions in the areas mentioned above. 


  • Impactful research in a vibrant, international, and interdisciplinary research environment.
  • Advanced facilities and comprehensive scientific support.
  • Attractive salaries and generous resources.
  • Guaranteed annual funding, including support for PhD students and postdocs.
  • Graduate school with highly selective admissions.
  • Professional development opportunities and employee support services.
  • On-campus childcare facilities.
  • Inclusive working environment.
  • Proximity to Vienna, consistently ranked among the most livable cities worldwide.

Take the next step in your academic career and apply at:

Application deadlines: 

October 24, 2024 for Chemistry, Data Science, Earth Science, Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Soft Matter Physics

November 28, 2024 for Computer Science

Om tjänsten

Assistant Professor (tenure-track) and Professor (tenured) positions
Campus 1 Klosterneuburg, Österrike
Sista ansökningsdag
2024-11-28 23:59 (Europe/Vienna)
2024-11-28 23:59 (CET)
Databehandling inom matematik, naturvetenskap, teknik och medicin, , Beräkningsvetenskaper, , Kondenserade materiens fysik, , Algoritmer, , Artificiell intelligens, och 93 fler Artificiella neurala nätverk, Big data, Dator och samhälle, Datorarkitektur, Datorkommunikation (nätverk), Datorgrafik, Datorseende, Databehandling inom samhällsvetenskap, humaniora, Cyber Security, Datautvinning, Datastrukturer, Databaser, Distribuerad databehandling, Speldesign, Människa-datorinteraktion, Informatik, Informationsvetenskap, Informationssystem (affärsinformatik), Maskininlärning, Robotseende, Operativsystem, Parallell databehandling, Programmeringsspråk, Kvantdatoranvändning, Programvaruteknik, Beräkningsteori, Experimentell fysik, Atmosfärisk vetenskap, Biogeografi, Kartografi, Klimatologi, Geokemi, Geodesi och lantmäteri, Geografi, Geoinformatik (GIS), Geomikrobiologi, Geostatistik, Hydrogeologi, Hydrologi, Marin geovetenskap, Meteorologi, Oceanografi, Paleoklimatologi, Paleontologi, Petrologi, Fjärranalysteknik, Seismologi, Vulkanologi, Neurovetenskap, Medicinal kemi, Nanoteknik, Materialkemi, Organisk kemi, Biokemi, Analytisk kemi, Atmosfärisk kemi, Katalys, Kemisk biologi, Kemisk termodynamik, Kemoinformatik, Elektrokemi, Miljökemi, Immunkemi, Oorganisk kemi, Matematisk kemi, Molekylär kemi, Nanobiokemi, Kärnkemi, Metallorganisk kemi, Petrokemi, Fotokemi, Fysikalisk kemi, Fytokemi, Polymerkemi, Radiokemi, Fasta tillståndets kemi, Spektroskopi, Ytkemi, Teoretisk kemi, Termokemi, Beräkningskemi, Syntetisk kemi, Nanokemi, Algebra, Statistik, Logik, Analys, Tillämpad matematik, Talteori, Sannolikhetsteori, Geometri och topologi, Beräkningsmatematik, Stokastik
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Om arbetsgivaren

ISTA Austria is a multidisciplinary research institution dedicated to cutting-edge basic research in the natural, mathematical, and computer sciences.

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