Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

IAP: Assistant Professor in Nuclear Reactor

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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

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About UM6P:

Located at the heart of the future Green City of Benguerir, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), a higher education institution with an international standard, is established to serve Morocco and the African continent. Its vision is honed around research and innovation at the service of education and development. This unique nascent university, with its state-of-the-art campus and infrastructure, has woven a sound academic and research network, and its recruitment process is seeking high-quality academics and professionals to boost its quality-oriented research environment in the metropolitan area of Marrakech.

About the IAP:

The UM6P Institute of Applied Physics constitutes a dynamic community comprising faculty members, students, postdocs, and administrative and technical staff, all dedicated to UM6P’s mission as a student- centered research university. The institute's research focus lies in establishing advanced research and education environments, nurturing upcoming generations of physicists and faculty, particularly emphasizing Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience, Photonics, Nuclear, Cosmology, and Particle Physics.

About the EPS:

The UM6P Engineering Physics School (EPS), established by UM6P, stands asa premier engineering physics school in Morocco. Over a three-year program, it trains physicists to emerge as future entrepreneurs, leaders, and professionals in the Kingdom and across Africa. The program awards an EPS engineering degree, and its education and research are developed at the UM6P Institute of Applied Physics.

Job description:

Teaching: The ideal candidate should demonstrate proficiency in teaching at all Engineering Physics School (EPS) levels. He/she must deliver nuclear or applied physics courses and related disciplines. Specific courses may include neutron physics, material for nuclear reactors, and advanced topics. Previous teaching experience is highly desirable.

Research: The selected candidate will conduct research within the UM6P Institute of Applied Physics, which is recognized for cutting-edge research and technology development. Collaborating with students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars worldwide, the institute is committed to training a new generation of African physicists and faculty members. Research endeavors primarily focus on computational nuclear physics. A notable characteristic of institute research is the strong collaboration among members, fortified by shared simulation tools and top-quality experimental efforts. Research efforts span diverse domains of modern science, including 2D Semiconductors, Terahertz Photonics, Cosmology, Quantum Transport, Photon Scattering, Ab Initio Calculations, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo Simulations, Photonics simulation, metamaterials, and more.

Candidate Profile: The ideal candidate should possess excellent training in computational nuclear physics, demonstrating an interest in applying nuclear principles to industrial challenges and societal problems. They should have internationally recognized research expertise in one or more physics disciplines, preferably holding a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics. Nationality is not a limiting factor. The candidate's higher education and professional experience outside Morocco should be substantial to ensure the international character of the institution. Strong collaboration skills with teachers from diverse disciplines and a keen interest and proven experience in student support, mentoring, and interactive pedagogies are essential. Openness and interest in incorporating new technologies into education (e-learning, platforms, MOOCs, etc.) and pedagogical innovations are also desired. Strong conceptualization and modeling skills and a results-oriented approach complete the candidate profile.

The application must include a cover letter describing how the candidate envisions integration into the school's thematic teaching and research framework, a detailed CV (in PDF format) outlining scientific production, and a research project description (maximum 4 pages).

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Om tjänsten

IAP: Assistant Professor in Nuclear Reactor
Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir, Morocco Benguerir, Marocko
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Om arbetsgivaren

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

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