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TU Wien

TU Wien

Academic excellence through research and wide-ranging competence through teaching.
Technology for People

“Technology for people” – that is TU Wien’s mission statement. It stands for academic excellence through research and wide-ranging competence through teaching.

At TU Wien, we have been conducting research, teaching and learning under the motto ’Technology for people’ for over 200 years. TU Wien has evolved into an open academic institution where discussions can happen, opinions can be voiced and arguments will be heard. Although everyone may have different individual philosophies and approaches to life, the staff, management personnel and students at TU Wien all promote open-mindedness and tolerance.

Research Focal Areas
Computational Science
and Engineering
Quantum Physics
and Quantum Technologies
and Matter
Information and
Energy and
Additional Fields
of Research
Research at TU Wien
An international reputation for research is achieved only by concentrating capabilities and focussing on particular fields. TU Wien has therefore defined five Research Focal Areas.
TU Wien provides Core Shared Research Facilities, which can be used by scientists working in different areas.
TU Wien is part of several research networks - conducting basic research and applied technology.
The researchers at TU Wien are supported by several service units at the university with regard to their research activities and the dissemination and utilisation of research results.
TU Wien’s research funding programmes and awards are specifically costumised to the researchers requirements.
Information on TU Wien’s research activities are recorded within several databases and can be retrieved structurelly, e.g. via the Project- & Publication Database or the ReposiTUm.
A university for all

For us at TU Wien University is more than just research and teaching. Students and employees engage in a multitude of initiatives, put their knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit to the test, pursue team spirit and creativity – even outside their own specialist discipline – and make TU Wien an active part of society. A selection of the initiatives at TU Wien:


At TU Wien, the focus is on people. We are constantly striving to ensure family-friendly conditions at the university. This is underlined by the fact we have signed the ‘Family at university’ charter and joined ‘Companies for families’ as a network partner. We have therefore developed a diversity strategy, along with plans for promoting women and equal opportunities. In addition to balancing family and work/studies, we also believe that being able to study and work without barriers is of crucial importance.

At TU Wien, we believe that it is our duty to allow our members to care for their children or relatives alongside their career or academic work. By doing so, we are confronting one of the most significant societal challenges. The Vice Rector for Personnel and Gender is responsible for matters relating to balancing family and student/work life.


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