
University Hospital Essen - Institute of Virology

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The Institute of Virology offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic tests for viral infections. It services not only Essen University Hospital but also numerous other institutes supplying samples by mail.

Focus areas
  • Reactivation of viral infections under immune suppression (e.g., following organ and bone marrow transplants)
  • Viral hepatitis (hepatitis A, B, C, and D)
  • Respiratory infection and rabies

Another important field involves consultations on diagnostics, epidemiology and prevention of infections.

The Institute supplies reference viral strains for the evaluation of typing methods on a molecular basis (HCV genotyping panel). A more detailed characterization of HCV isolates is provided by the German National Reference Center for Hepatitis C.

Special consultations

Vaccination counseling for travelers by prior appointment: Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Fields of Research

Pathogenesis and prevention of viral hepatitis and retroviral infections:

  • Development of therapeutic vaccines for chronic hepatitis B and C
  • Elucidation of basic mechanisms of immune response in retroviral infections

The Institute employs 7 scientists including 5 physicians (2 laboratory medicine specialists, 1 specialist each in microbiology, virology, infection epidemiology).

Advanced specialized medical expertise at the Institute is in laboratory medicine, microbiology, virology, infection epidemiology, clinical chemistry, molecular biology, and immunology.


Liknande arbetsgivare

KU Leuven Leuven, Belgien 89 lediga jobb
University of Luxembourg Luxemburg 75 lediga jobb
Karolinska Institutet Sverige 46 lediga jobb
Ghent University Belgien 44 lediga jobb
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